Monday, August 15, 2011

Ragged Edge--Life Begins

"We have an incredible love affair with the written word."
              ---Ted Dekker

After a day of what most would consider "Depressing Truths", I think the authors were pleased that we all (I think) actually came back.  Day two blew day one out of the water--I can't even begin to describe what it was to me.

The craft of writing is to each our own--and we were told that everything we write is beautiful.  There is no getting better when it comes to our personal writing. 
Now, we may improve in the sense that others find our writing as beautiful as it has always been--but at this moment in my life. Right Now.  Everything I write is beautiful. 

We talked it all--becoming our Characters with Bob; Finding our Strengths with Tosca; fulfilling our promises and Story with Steven---and of course, the lovely Ted Dekker. 

Hilarity filled the day.  I know you'd like me to detail the funny things they said, but I honestly want to keep a lot of these memories to myself.  I will tell you that Robert Liparulo slapped a friend just to see what his reaction would be--and Ted and Steven argued over whose stories were darker.  Kevin Kaiser did the best Yoda impression I have EVER heard--hands down. 

Essentially, I learned that I need to write more--and more often.  I'll be making an author's page on facebook--hopefully you all will "like" me.
The page will be for my writing, and my blog more for my musings.

Welcome to my Asylum.  It's going to be a fun ride.


Nadeen said...


Re: I need to write more....I have a friend who likes to write. I 'met' her through the internet over 10 years ago. Anyway, she decided in order to become a better writer, she needed to write every day. EVERY DAY. So she started a blog. She writes and writes. She has lots of reason to have days but you'll never read about them on her blog. She is one of the most creative people I know - wrting, crafting, gardening, humor, energy in spite of health and family issues.

Anyway, she has writing challenges on her blog, maybe a couple times a week where others submit things and everyone reads them. Helps with the writing skills. I've written stuff for the Alphabe-Thursday events. It's fun. I have writing in my blood too, just not much interest.

Go check it out. You'll find a whole new community of writers/supporters/stories. Plus Jenny (the host) is a kick. Tell her I sent you. You'll be blessed to join in the fun.

Kelsey said...

Thanks Nadeen!