And yet, even now without one anywhere in sight I feel that memory of childhood. Something about the smell and the sight of multicolored dots dancing over a bed of white frosting casts a spell of warm thoughts and feelings about the days of old.
That feeling of nostalgia--no matter what brings it--is always something I appreciate. That sudden sensation, like a phrase on the tip of your tongue, that you can't quite grasp specifics but know the emotions regardless. Our brains are such hubs of information, and certain scents, tastes, and textures can send us spiraling back to yester-year as we hop along the rabbit trail in order to sift out a clearer picture. There's something about not being able to succeed. There's something in that inability to fully remember exactly why this trigger matters to you.
Specifics about the Pop Tart don't rush back into my thoughts. Instead, I'm surrounded by images and pictures about life when I was a child. I'm not that old--it isn't a far leap. Yet I can remember watching the Wonder Years (almost a decade after they'd originally aired). Sensations of summer and my mom's daycare--the friends I had then that I haven't spoken to in the fifteen years since we moved to another part of town.

The next big kick from Barney to Power Rangers was, undoubtedly, Harry Potter. However, as Harry Potter has been such a large part of my life growing up, I think I will reserve a later blog to fully discuss such a wonderful topic.
Sometimes I miss being a kid--I miss the simplicity of it. Being an adult is hard work. I enjoy the knowledge and experiences I have, but when I remember the glories of nap time, I often forget about the joys of an 8-5 job. However, I will say that I love my driver's licence and won't part with it for anything. As always, my thoughts have followed a jumbled confusing bumbling trail that undoubtedly leads to Underland.
To think, all these thoughts were inspired by a Pop Tart.
But Kelsey - What about Wishbone?
You know, I do believe I watched that a few times, but if it was going to come down to Power Rangers or anything else, they would win out.
That pic of pop tarts brings back memories for me, too. I once used it to torment a hungry friend. >:)
I actually have a friend who was an extra on the Power Rangers set back in the day.
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